Strategy for Bloons Tower Defense 5 Extreme Track Easy Mode Track Star
Win all Tracks on any difficulty
Note: This trophy seems to pop with a delay. Just continue playing after upgrading all Agents to Pro and it should pop within a few minutes.
You need to win 56 of the 60 maps on all difficulties but remember to play each of the 4 remaining maps at least once. Mission Accomplished
Win all Special Missions
Special Missions are accessed from the Challenges menu and each one of the 10 has a trophy tied to it but you will unlock this trophy once all the Special Missions are complete. For tactics see the respective Special Missions trophies. Ultimate Agent
Get all Special Agents to Pro Status
Note: This trophy seems to pop with a delay. Just continue playing after upgrading all Agents to Pro and it should pop within a few minutes.
Agents can be purchased during a match or in the Agents menu. I recommend the latter since you can see there how many Agents you already have purchased. You need 35,050 in game dollars (green) to purchase all required Agents. You will have more than enough money before even getting close to the Platinum but you should be aware that you are sometimes provided with free Agents during Random Missions and these count towards Pro Status as well. If you want to minimize the money spent here you could just continuously restart a Random Mission and place all free Agents until you've unlocked Pro for them. You can see in the Agents menu how many agents it requires to unlock Pro. The Tribal Turtle for example must be placed 20 times before it becomes Pro. You should also keep in mind that agents must actually be placed in a match to count as only having them purchased ,doesn't unlock the Pro Status. It is enough to start a match, fill the whole map with agents and then exit the game for it to count.
If you don't want to waste money on Agents, once you have enough money to purchase all Agents at the same time, you can backup your save, get the trophy and then restore your previous save. Ultimate Specialist
Purchase and upgrade to tier 4 all Specialty Buildings
Note: This trophy seems to pop with a delay. After upgrading all buildings to the maximum I started a new game (monkey lane on Easy) and just played till it popped, which was within the first five waves.
In the Specialities menu, there is a Speciality Building for each tower which can be upgraded four times. This will cost you a total of 74,550 in game dollars (green). A Speciality Building, improves the tower it is for but devalues another. You may also have only one active at a time. If you play mostly with FastTrack and Double Cash I'd recommend to use the Super Monkey lair most of the time since it will make Super Monkeys see Camos and that basically means you don't need anything but Super Monkeys for most of the game.
If you don't want to waste money on Speciality Buildings, then do the following:
1: Backup your save once you have enough cash to buy all the Speciality Buildings at once.
2: Buy all of them at once, then quit the game and return to the XMB.
3: Restore your save from where ever it was you backed it up to, then reload the game. Full House
Complete the Special Mission
This Special Mission is pretty simple, just remember that you can't have more than five towers at once. A Ninja Monkey and Sniper Monkey are great for the first 30 rounds, you might build some farms to easily annihilate anything in the later rounds with Monkey Aces and/or Super Monkeys.
This is a demonstration of how to win this mission without any Monkey Lab upgrades:
[/ame] MOAB Madness
Complete the Special Mission
This is very easy if you know which towers to use. One of the best solutions is a 2/1 Monkey Village, accompanying a 4/0 Monkey Ace and a 2/3 Super Monkey.
This is a demonstration of how to win this mission without any Monkey Lab upgrades:
[/ame] Highlander
Complete the Special Mission
This is another easy Special Mission. A 2/1 Ninja Monkey below the upper left circle can take care of the first runs allowing you to build a banana farm and gain some extra money. Add a Sniper Monkey and build it up to 2/3 while you develop your Ninja Monkey to 4/2, then once you have enough money, just get a 4/2 Monkey Ace, a 4/1 Heli Pilot and a 3/2 Super Monkey.
This is a demonstration of how to win this mission without any Monkey Lab upgrades:
[/ame] Isn't That Special
Complete the Special Agent Only Special Mission
The most relaxing and foolproof way to tackle this mission without using dozens of agents is with six Bloonsday Devices in my opinion. Make sure to place them at the back so they the shortest way to reach the most advanced bloons. You should enable Auto-Start Rounds and play on normal speed, then each 14 seconds activate the ability and once you've done that six times for all devices you can play on fast forward and just activate the ability each time it becomes available again. This way you should constantly have one Bloonsday Device active. You might also add more devices to make this even easier. It might be wise to backup your save file before you attempt this mission so you won't waste any agents on failed attempts.
This is a demonstration of how to win this mission without any Monkey Lab upgrades:
[/ame] Fast Track
Complete the Fast Upgrades Special Mission
This is one of the trickier Special Missions. The trick is to purchase cheap upgrades so that the game will purchase the expensive ones for you (once after every round but only for the path with more upgrades or the left one when both are equal). I'd start with a 0/0 Sniper Monkey set to strong. Then add x/0 Glue Gunners to the left and right and have them level up equally. On the third round you want to get a Monkey Ace and upgrade it to 2/0. Then in the fourth round you want to get a Heli Pilot and get it to 3/0. You can also sell the Glue Gunners and get a Spike Factory to reduce leaks. In the final round you should automatically have a 4/x Sniper Monkey, 4/x Monkey Ace and 4/x Heli Pilot which is enough to win the round.
This is a demonstration of how to win this mission without any Monkey Lab upgrades:
[/ame] Short-Lived
Complete the Special Mission
The only thing you should play attention to is the current round so you can sell everything before your towers disappear. I recommend selling everything after the 9th, 18th, 27th, 36th, 45th, 54th and 60th rounds. Also deactivate Auto-Start Rounds, otherwise you might accidentally be too late with selling everything. Get used to only adding towers after you have sold everything, then only use the money in the nine subsequent rounds to upgrade existing towers but only if you need to.
This is a demonstration of how to win this mission without any Monkey Lab upgrades:
[/ame] Monkey Town
Complete the Protect Special Mission
This is another simple mission. Start with 2 0/3 Dart Monkeys and add 2 2/1 Ninja Monkeys, then try to get an advantage by building a farm. Before leads appear on wave 28 you should have a Sniper Monkey, ideally develop it to 2/3. If you've farmed efficiently you should be able to effort a high level tower before the first MOAB such as a 4/1 Heli Pilot. From then on the rest is trivial.
This is a demonstration of how to win this mission without any Monkey Lab upgrades:
[/ame] Covert Pops
Complete the Special Mission
This Special Mission is trivial. Everything except the MOABs will use Camo in this mission so build lots of Camo targeting towers e.g. Ninja Monkeys and adequately upgraded Sniper Monkeys. If you manage to get a 4/2 Monkey Ace (by farming) you have basically won.
This is a demonstration of how to win this mission without any Monkey Lab upgrades:
[/ame] Edited by Terminator
Editorial Sweep.
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